Romanati House information

Thank you again for renting Romanati House! Please find below driving directions form Heraklion airport and useful information  on the house.

Driving directions and meeting point

Check the location and the driving directions on the google maps link here. Please let us know of your arrival time. Once you arrive at Pefki Village, please park your car at the municipal road and follow the signs “Piperia Taverna”, where we will meet you to take you to the house (20 meters away).

Information on the house 

Wi-Fi Lower floor: Network name:   Password: elinakas!

Wi-Fi Upper floor: Network name: tplink, the password is on the device on the socket by the terrace door.

The house is stone-built and sometimes the thickness of the walls weakens the WiFi signal in some rooms and at the terraces / balconies.


Please DO NOT OPEN the two locked linen closets in the utility room.

Protect the environment

Cooling down during the summer months;

  • Do not operate the A/C with open doors/windows.
  • Use electric fans to cool down the rooms instead of the A/C
  • Keep the windows open to let the air cool down the rooms naturally.

Recycling; In Greece, all paper, tin, glass and plastic is recycled. Please place your recycling in the blue bins in Makrygialos village.

Reusable shopping bags; there are reusable shopping bags provided for your stay to help reduce the use of plastic bags.


  • Washing machine, in the utility room
  • Washing machine liquid, in the right-hand closet, utility room
  • Cloth rack, in the utility room
  • Iron, in the right-hand closet, utility room
  • Iron board, in the yellow closet, in the bedroom downstairs
  • Hair dryer, on the hanger, in the bathroom downstairs
  • Dish washer, under the kitchen counter
  • Oven and stove. The stove is touch screen and sometimes locks for safety reasons. In such a case, please place your index finger on top of the red lock that appears on the stove for a few seconds.
  • Toaster, filter coffee machine, water boiler, nespresso machine, small multi-mixer, on the counter and in the cupboards, in the kitchen
  • Air-Condition, the two main bedrooms are equipped with A/C units. The A/C is operated by remote controls.
  • Hot Water, the house is equipped with solar panels for hot water.
  • Window nets, please keep them shut to keep mosquitoes and insects out of the house
  • First Aid kit, in the drawer, on the white kitchen cupboard
  • Music, cd player, CDs, Bluetooth speaker, on the bookcase
  • Books and board games, you are welcome to use any of the books, magazines, and games on the bookcase
  • For the beach, Beach towels are provided for your stay